
Microsoft Teams Status Shortcut


Create an easy-to-use shortcut to change your Teams Status.

Microsoft is aggressively marketing the use of their Teams product, and it is a great product, but it is not yet fully functional for users who are forced to use it at work. Although there are many keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Teams , there are no shortcuts for changing your status. Changing your Teams status can be annoying when you leave your desk often. I propose this as a simple double click solution to change your Teams status from your Windows desktop. This assumes that Teams is already installed and running on your computer.

Create a new text file and then copy and paste this text in it.

Dim WshShell Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run ("%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Teams\Update.exe --processStart Teams.exe")
WshShell.SendKeys "^e"
WshShell.SendKeys "/offline"
WshShell.SendKeys "{ENTER}"

Save the file and rename it to TeamsOffline.vbs. Make sure it has a vbs file extension. If you do not see any file extension, refer to this article to show file extensions: Microsoft

The Teams command for going offline is "/offline". You can create additional shortcuts for "Away" or "Available" by changing the "/offline" to "/away" or "/available".

You can save or move the file to another folder and then make a shortcut on your desktop to the file in order to change the icon or create a keyboard shortcut to the file.

If you need better icons, you may find them here: iconarchive

For a full list of Teams commands go here: Microsoft Teams Commands